Why Remote Home Monitoring Is Not Enough.

May 09

Why Remote Home Monitoring Is Not Enough.

Most people think they are fine to leave their seasonal home unattended over long periods of time. Especially if they have the latest WIFI thermostat and a few wireless cameras. Remote monitoring is great, in fact we encourage it and can even monitor it for you. What the thermostat’s and cameras can’t tell you are often the smallest of problems that can become massive headaches and financial burdens.

A few examples: Sump pump failure, Blocked furnace vents, broken ice maker, animal inflation and much more.

All these examples are small things that aren’t always easy to spot in person, but impossible to catch using today’s remote monitoring systems. It’s crucial to have a home watch service to protect your investment. It’s a small price to pay in order to mitigate the risk of large-scale damage to your investment in a seasonal home

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